Offcanvas Section

You can publish whatever you want in the Offcanvas Section. It can be any module or particle.

By default, the available module positions are offcanvas-a and offcanvas-b but you can add as many module positions as you want from the Layout Manager.

You can also add the hidden-phone module class suffix to your modules so they do not appear in the Offcanvas Section when the site is loaded on a mobile device.

Sunday, March 09, 2025

Production Abrasives Engineering Abrasive Solutions

Call Toll Free: 800.784.6572

Industrial Abrasive Products

shts rlsProduction Abrasives offers a complete line of Abrasive Sheets & Rolls for production applications.  This can include roughing, finishing, and light de-burring of wood, metal, glass, fiberglass, and for general maintenance applications. Featuring Deerfos Abrasives (Deer Abrasives).

• Abrasive Sheets - 9 x 11 and Cut Abrasive Sheets in Garnet, Aluminum Oxide, Silicon Carbide, and Emery Cloth.

• Abrasive Rolls - Shop Rolls and Production Rolls in X-wt., X-Flex, J-wt., and J-Flex, plus paper P.S.A. Rolls in Aluminum Oxide and Silicon Carbide.