Production Abrasives provides a variety of abrasive sandpaper sheets for different production applications. These paper sheets are available with Garnet, Aluminum Oxide or Silicon Carbide. Featuring Deerfos Abrasives (Deer Abrasives).
Garnet Sandpaper Sheets
Garnet sandpaper sheets for hand and machine sanding of wood.
Aluminum Oxide Abrasive Sandpaper Sheets
Aluminum Oxide open coat abrasive sandpaper sheets for general purpose sanding.
Silicon Carbide Lube Abrasive Sandpaper Sheets - ACM66/CCM66
Silicon Carbide lubricated resin abrasive sandpaper sheets for sanding paints, primers, and sealer sanding.
Silicon Carbide Waterproof Abrasive Sandpaper Sheets
Silicon Carbide wet or dry sanding on plastic, fibreglass, or painted surfaces.
Silicon Carbide Sandscreen Sheets
Silicon Carbide on screen open mesh backing for no load applications such as drywall and floor sanding.